As well as supplying major High Street Retailers with their own brand hosiery, we have our own brands, Strictly Socks & Strictly Tights for Women & Children, and Kings & Cavaliers for Men.
Our sock producers in Turkey have a wide range of modern machinery and are able to produce 200, 168, 156 Needle fine gauge socks with either Hand linked, Automatic hand linked or Rosso toes. We also have 6 & 9 gauge machines for heavier socks, as well as the ability to produce technical sports socks and specialist children’s socks. We work closely with some of the most innovative yarn producers so that we can offer the most up-to-date yarns & washes.
Our tight producers offer women’s & children’s plain, thermal & printed tights, pop socks & footsies, in 15, 40, 70, 120 & 200 Deniers. We also supply fishnets, lurex finishes & heat transfers!